三峡大学中医临床医院,湖北中医药大学附属宜昌医院 公立医院 三级甲等 中医医院

    宜昌市中医医院始建于1960年,为宜昌及渝东鄂西唯一的一所集医疗、康复、科研、教学为一体的三级甲等中医医院。医院始终坚持以中医为主、中西医结合、发展特色专科的办院宗旨,不仅传承了传统中医,也结合了西医和现代科学技术,使医院得到了较大发展并独具特色。2010年4月,医院被湖北省卫生厅授予“三级优秀中医医院”。     医院占地面积7781平方米,建筑面积24312平方米。医院现有职工466人,专业技术人员432人,其中副主任医师以上51人,硕士研究生25名,在职研究生20余人,目前全市80%的名老中医荟萃医院。     医院作为湖北中医药大学附属医院、三峡大学中医临床医学院、三峡职业技术学院护理学院的教学医院,分别承担中医、中西医结合、中药、骨伤、针灸推拿、护理专业专、本科等6个专业的学生带教任务。     医院开设病床500张,开设病区15个。烧伤整形科为国家级临床重点专科、湖北省重点知名中医专科;中西医结合心血管内科被国家中医药管理局确定为“十一五”国家级临床重点专科建设单位;中西医结合眼科、骨伤科被列为“十一五”省级临床中西医结合重点建设专科。肛肠科、脑病科、消渴专病是市级临床重点专科,针灸推拿科、消化内科(脾胃病科)是市级临床重点创建专科。     医院拥有德国西门子0.35T磁共振成像仪(MRI)、美国全身GE多排CT、日本岛津高清悬吊10C心血管造影机、全市唯一的TMI人体代谢热层像健康评估系统等现代化先进诊疗设备。     近年来,医院先后获得“全省知名中医医院”、“ 全省卫生先进单位”、“ 省卫生系统巾帼示范岗”、“ 宜昌市价格诚信单位”、“ 市文明单位”、“市消费者信得过单位”等多项荣誉称号。     医院将不断深化“以病人为中心”的服务宗旨,大力弘扬“传承、创新、精勤、尚德”的医院精神,不断发挥中医药简、便、验、廉的特色优势,努力为广大人民群众提供具有中医特色的诊疗服务!     医院地址:湖北省宜昌市胜利三路2号     邮政编码:443003     电   话:0717-6912320   传   真:0717-6224184     Yichang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) was founded in 1960,which is a unique third-grade class-A TCM hospital for medical service,rehabilitation,medical education and research in yichang,eastern Chongqing and western Hubei.Since itsestablishment,the hospital has been insisting on giving priority to Chinese medicine,combining traditional Chinese with western medicine,developing characteristic specialized subject as its aim.By inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese medicine,combining traditional therapies with western medicine and modern medicine,the hospital has made great progress and become distinctive.It was awarded “third-grade excellent TCM hospital” by Hubei provincial Health Department in April,2010.     The hospital covers an area of 7781 square meters,and its construction area is 24312 square meters. There are 466 staff members, of whom 432 health professionals, including 51 associate chief physicians and above, 25 master degree postgraduates,and more than 20 on-the-job postgraduates in the hospital.Now,80 pecent of the famous old TCM doctors are working for the hospital.     As the teaching hospital of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Medical College of Three Gorges University and Nursing College of Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College,the hospital gives lessons to the students whose majors are Traditional Chinese Medical Science, Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine,  Chinese Pharmacology, Osteology and Traumatology, Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Chinese Massage, Nursing.     The hospital consists of 15 inpatient areas and 500 hospital beds.The department of burns and plastic surgery is a state-level clinical key department,famous key TCM department of Hubei province; The department of cardiology is designated as a state-level clinical key construction unit in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine;The department of ophthalmology and the department of Osteology and Traumatology are listed as province-level key construction units of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine;The anorectal department, the department of encephalopathy and the department of diabetes are city-level clinical key departments; The department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Chinese Massage and the department of gastroenterology are city-level clinical key construction departments.     The hospital has many advanced medical equipments and apparatus,such as MRI(Siemens 0.35T , Germany),CT(GE company, America), HeartSpeed 10C angiographic equipment (Shimadzu Corporation,Japan) and the only TMI equipment in Yichang city, etc.     Inrecentyears,the hospital received many medals or certificates, such as “Provincial well-known TCM hospital”, “Provincial Advanced Health Unit”, “Provincial Model position for female achievement in health system”, “Price integrityunit of Yichang city”,“Civilized Unit of Yichang city” and “Consumer trustworthy unit of Yichang city”,  etc.     We will continuously deepen the ” Patient-centred” service purpose, energetically promote the hospital spirit----“ Lineage, Innovation, Perfection and Diligence, Advocating morality”, exploit characteristic advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology, strive to serve the people.
科室 医生
中医心内科 许强
中西医结合耳鼻喉科 廖贵华祝君红
精神科 李万兵张德新
口腔科 李璐曹礼琼汪芳
皮肤、男病科 许厚德牟方国周莉周继刚
针灸推拿 杜远林石荣远高辉刘盛华吴熙东郑学俊王国进林其棠蔡三金杨松柏
脊柱科 王正尧李良秋白宝华李莹
中西结合眼科 祝素英秦大军
烧伤整形科 胡景煌唐江南段砚方
骨科 杨北仁李渭江
肿瘤科 高元喜邓红
儿科 马爱华
妇科 熊建丽徐娟范朝晖
外科 贺友建张绪初李破董明骏颜军李东凌覃新武伍新林
肛肠科 孙智卢玉清邓绍玉郑桂珍黎海龙
内科 肖家明张作香吴正本王红陶治中邵权武潘智明刘敏刘宏军李西霞贾建华黄光荣贵立鳌周祖钧熊毓湘熊克难周祖瀚罗茜茜苟松莲张先勇赵为军郝永华朱兰萍韩庆龙曹繁华徐峰梅和平张红翁康宁冯家鑫郑力郑勇张微陈良金梅大钊王朔卢训丛张继红黄成汉