不用忌口的超级减肥法 明星减肥狂爱瑜伽



1.双手捂在下腹,顺转100 下,逆转100 下;在上腹部左右搓擦100下。

2. 每天30 分钟。

3. 两腿并拢平躺在床上,把脚提起10 厘米,坚持到不能坚持再放下腿,每天反复10 次。

4. 桂圆和荷叶各20 克熬水喝,嚼30~ 60 个枸杞。

5. 每天点按甲状腺、脾、肝、肺、脑垂体等足部反射区20分钟。


很多女同志对肚子上的游泳圈很是头疼。怎么减呢?就是揉腹。揉腹的时候,先在整个下腹顺时针、逆时针各揉100 下,再在上腹部左右各搓擦100 下。在搓擦以前,你可以拿皮尺量一下自己的腰围,如果每天坚持,两周以后你再量一下,基本能减3~ 4 厘米。


怎么减大腿上的赘肉呢?两腿并拢,平躺在床上,把脚提起10 厘米,提得太高,你的重心变了反而没效果。坚持住,坚持到不能再坚持了,就把腿放下来。你的大腿会酸,这就说明脂肪在向肌肉转化,臀部和大腿的肉也就跟着减了。一边跷腿的时候一边数数,一开始可能还没数到10 你就累得不行了。做的时间久了,你逐渐就能增加到30 厘米、50厘米,那就很不错了。按这个方法坚持练习,你就会越来越轻松。




每天嚼30~ 60 个枸杞,嚼着吃的效果最好,但你要是觉得麻烦的话,用枸杞熬水喝也行。可是呢,这个人要是特别虚的话,吃完枸杞容易牙疼、上火。所以,对这样的人就不推荐这个方法。


每天一边揉推100 下,效果会很明显。甲状腺是主要的内分泌器官,所以点按它有很多的好处,特胖特瘦、甲高甲低、更年期,都得通过这个甲状腺反射区来调。另外,每天在肝、心、脾、肺、肾反射区按揉20 分钟,等于是把五脏哪儿都得照顾到了。五脏之间没什么不协调,五行的生克平衡就不会出现肥胖问题。



Katy Perry 凯蒂·派瑞

Katy Perry told Marie Claire magazine, “I start the day with Meditation. It puts me in the best mood. I wake up and just prop myself up in bed for 20 minutes. It’s the only time my mind gets absolute rest."

凯蒂·派瑞在杂志Marie Claire 里说,“我都会用瑜伽冥想来迎接每一天新的开始。它让我情绪达到最佳状态。清晨醒来,我就在床上冥想20分钟左右。这是我一天内唯一头脑完全平静的时刻。”

Madonna 麦当娜

Madonna practices Transcendental Meditation.


Nicole Kidman 妮可·基德曼

Nicole Kidman told InStyle Magazine, "I like to meditate. I took it up in my early 20s and I learned the benefits. I try to do it every day. A typical session is 20 to 30 minutes. I even use a meditation app on my phone that has a timer and also shows you on a map all the people that have logged in that are meditating at that very moment.”


Liv Tyler丽芙·泰勒

In 2013, Actress Liv Tyler said, "Meditation is an incredible way of centering myself, of calming myself, and really getting perspective on where I am. The best thing about Meditation is that it’s such a personal thing."


Kat Dennings 凯特·戴琳斯

"Two Broke Girls" actress Kat Dennings made a New Year's resolution to do more meditation in 2014.


Naomi Watts 娜奥米·沃茨

Naomi Watts told Health magazine how she stays calm in Hollywood. "Meditating and being with nature in the countryside. I love being outside with trees and water. I love the ocean air and sleeping. I do Meditation, which keeps me calm and steady," she said.

娜奥米·沃茨在杂志Health里提过,她是如何在好莱坞保持冷静的。“ 我喜欢冥想和亲近大自然。很喜欢有绿树和水流的户外。我爱那种海的气息和舒服的睡眠。我坚持做冥想,它让我平静稳定下来。

Hugh Jackman 休·杰克曼

Hugh Jackman discussed the benefits of meditation with Oprah Winfrey saying, "In meditation, I can let go of everything. I’m not Hugh Jackman. I’m not a dad. I’m not a husband. I’m just dipping into that powerful source that creates everything. I take a little bath in it."


John Lennon 约翰· 列侬

John Lennon told the Frost Programme, "The energy that I’ve found doing meditation... I could access it only during good days when everything was going well. With meditation I find that it could well be pouring down rain, it is still the same amount."


Steve Jobs 史蒂夫·乔布斯

Apple founder Steve Jobs discussed meditation in his biography saying, "If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there's room to hear more subtle things - that's when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before. It's a discipline; you have to practice it."


Clint Eastwood 克林特·伊斯特伍德

Clint Eastwood told the David Lynch Foundation, "I’m a great supporter of Meditation. I’ve been using it for almost 40 years now - and I think it’s a great tool for anyone to have, to be able to utilize as a tool for stress."


